Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I'm a business management major, but I'm just getting started so if anyone has any tips or advice feel free to share it. I'll also share some of my thoughts and ideas.

New Goals

One of my a few goals of mine are to
Get through this semester of school.
Find summer work.
Develope a good stock strategy.
And probably more.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!!

Today starts the yearr of 2008, which means a whole new set of adventures await us.
A whole new set of opportunities to learn from and yes a few new mistakes to be made. Throughtout this year I plan to improve myself in more ways than I did in the past, by studying and working harder than I have in the past.
That is my new years reslution I guess, its kind of general but depending on what my focus is at the time it will probably help. It wll also remind me of what I can and should be doing.
Feel free to add your comments or reslutions!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Everyone I need your advice.
Last spring semester I noticed a big problem and I'm afraid that it might happen next semester. I'm sorry I should have asked you all about this earlier in the semester.

The problem is staying friendly around campus. I've noticed this all year round but the cold seems to play a factor in this. So it hasn't been as bad in the summer and fall semesters, and it might not be as bad next semester because it might be a little warmer then last January.

My question is what can we do to fix this?
I think this problem affects us all at the campus.
I feel this is a big problem because once people stop being frienddly to one another it can lead to angry which can lead to bad grade, crime and much more.
I'm wondering what do you all think I can do more or what would you be willing to help me do.

I don't even know if anyone else has seen this and is working to fix this. I just know I need ideas onb how to combat this.

If you have any thoughts or comments please respond to this.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

New goal

My short term goal right now is to get past my math class.
I made a list of my accomplishments and according to that list
I will be able to do it if I put my mind to it.
My parents and teachers will be able to help me through
giveing me support and encouragement and then help if I need it.
I should be able to accomplish this by at max the end of the semester.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


A mentor is almost like a role modle or a teacher. A mentor guides you and helps you make decisions to get you where you want to go. Mentors can guide you in anyway you want them to, such as they can give you advice on what to do in our carrer field, or our own personal life.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Leadership is

Sorry guys this is late, but it's been a bad week.

Leadership is a prosess. It can be fun at times and bad at others. Either way we still have to go through it.

Leadership is exciting at times and not at others. It depends on how you look at it.

Leadership is hard work that is worth the effort.