Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Leadership is hard for me anyway but its neat to read those stories in the book about how it didn't just happen over night. The leaders in the stories made it seem so easy it seemed like they never had any doubts. Then a few lines latter the book says "It takes along time." It makes you wonder if its worth becoming a leader, but as the stories end you could almost feel the excitment those involved had, and I wondered can I be a leader like that even to a few people. I aanswered yes.

P.S. If this doesn't make sense. "Don't worry be happy."


Anna C said...

I'm glad you are finding the text worthwhile to read. I found the stories exciting as well yet I also wondered how the people could be so confident that their plans would work out. I think it's important to remember the power of positive thinking and just go for your goals!


Charla the Great said...

I agree. I think most people have some leadership qualities, but putting it into practice can sometimes take a long time to really develop what it takes to be a great leader. I used to worry that other people didn't struggle with this, too, but I was talking to a friend of mine (who I admire as a great leader), and she talked about her weaknesses in many areas that I had never noticed. It's just a matter of bringing out what you have strengths in. I really agree with this post. :)