Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Challenage

The first challenage was a hard one, but I did it. I just don't really like to go up to people and introduce or start myself or start a conversation with someone. I don't mind talking to people its just that I've never have got into the habbit of doing it. It was fun though and I hope it becomes a habbit.


bambino.machievelli said...

I would say about your fear with going up to people, that you should not ne. We are all humans sharing this celestial sphere called earth and we need that interaction. Hope you are doing well.

Gutterking said...

I'm glad you've stepped outside your box. Leadership is everyones concern, and it can only be strengthened through social interactions. We are constantly becoming the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so advance with caution...